This project creates a space for reflection by establishing an interdisciplinary, scientific, and philosophical culture through the work of René Thom. Within a collaborative culture, the project could open itself up to a new research horizon. This first year would thus be an introductory one, on the basis of a construction of a common language and heritage, focused on the definition of concepts that allow interdisciplinarity within Thom.
Conspiracy theories play an increasingly visible role in contemporary European culture and the public domain of politics. The aim of this COST Action is to develop an interdisciplinary and international network to provide a comprehensive understanding of conspiracy theories in different European countries.
This project started with a request from SEMAPA (Société d'Economie Mixte d'Aménagement de Paris) for the analysis of a specific neighbourhood - La Salpêtrière district. The semiotics applied to the Territorial Branding Process enables us to delimit the stages, as well as the constitutive paths of the emergence process of the signification of a project.
More information about other projects available soon.